Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Soooo.... Bottle Much?

Evy hates the bottle. hates. The moment it touches her lips she begins to scream. And she doesn't stop for a long time. She will wait, skip a feeding, and starve until I can feed her myself. We have tried different bottles, using a dropper, our pinky finger, anything imaginable, but to no avail. Next baby is having a bottle much sooner and much more often. Poor girl. Poor mommy!

If you know of a secret trick that I am not aware of, please share!


  1. Sorry :) Sometimes baby just knows Breast is Best! hehe, Heather (my little one) NEVER took a pacifier OR a bottle. RE-FUSED. Thankfully she's at the end of needing one anyway. Honestly its way more convenient anyway not having to worry about bringing all the bottle/fedding paraphernelia along. My older two both took bottles and pacis so it has been an new experience for me as well. Hang in there! Are you working? If not and its more for convenience I would say you might have to tough it out and believe me the first year flies by so fast! I am sad to have that first chapter with Heather close so quickly. Enjoy it :)

    One thing I might suggest is checking the flow of the bottle nipple. That might be making her mad/gassy either too slow or too fast. One other type you maybe could try is a lambs bottle. I have a friend whose little girl could ONLY drink out of those type bottles because of other difficulties.
    Don't know if that really helps at all, but I can totally commiserate!

  2. I don't know any secret magic tips, but you have my best wishes. Tyler took the bottle really easily, but he's a little piggy. Don't worry- if it comes to a time when she really needs to take the bottle, she won't starve herself.



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